Concrete Rubber Band - Risen Savior (1974)
März 31, 2013
März 27, 2013
Hört, hört
Gelesen im Jammerbericht:
"M. Serge Urbany (déi Lénk). - Et ass eng Allianz vun de räsonabele Persounen, déi e soziaalt Häerz hunn.
Plusieurs voix. - Ooohhh, ah, ola!
M. Serge Urbany (déi Lénk). - An deem Sënn sinn ech scho laang an der Fraktioun vum Här Colombera an hien a menger.
Plusieurs voix. - Ooohh!!!
M. Serge Urbany (déi Lénk). - Dat huet awer keng allgemeng politesch Konsequenzen. (...)"
(Compte rendu des séances publiques, no. 6, 20e séance, 30.01.2013)
März 26, 2013
Nota bene
Gelesen auf der Webseite der NZZ:
"Dass Sparer an der Sanierung insolventer Banken beteiligt werden sollen, bevor Aktionäre und Besitzer von Anleihen zur Kasse gebeten werden, ist nicht nur ein Zeichen der in Brüssel herrschenden ordnungspolitischen Verwirrung, sondern stellt auch einen Paradigmenwechsel sondergleichen dar. Der Aufschrei 'Enteignung' hallte deshalb zu Recht durch Europa und weit darüber hinaus. Ob man die inzwischen von der Regierung in Nikosia wieder zurückgenommenen, kurzfristigen Massnahmen zur Bankenrettung nun als Stabilitätsabgabe, Steuer, Enteignung oder schlicht als Diebstahl bezeichnet, mag vielleicht Ansichtssache sein. Es ist jedoch ein Faktum, dass die Sparer in weiten Teilen Europas und auch in den USA schon seit mehr als zwei Jahren kalt enteignet werden. Der Albtraum manifestiert sich durch negative Realzinsen und eine finanzielle Repression. Besserung ist noch für lange Zeit nicht in Sicht. (...) Die Notenbanken nehmen die kalte Enteignung der Sparer und die damit einhergehenden Umverteilungseffekte bei ihren 'Rettungsaktionen' nicht nur billigend in Kauf, sondern schweigen diese auch tot. Jedenfalls findet sich das Thema in keiner Rede eines Zentralbankers und taucht nicht in den vielen Studien auf, welche diese Institutionen herausgeben."
(aus einem Kommentar von Michael Rasch, einsehbar hier)
Libellés :
haltet den dieb,
politische ökonomie
März 23, 2013
Psychedelisches am Samstag (7)
Nach einer Woche Pause, da in dem Land in dem ich mich aufhielt, Blogger nicht zugänglich ist (nicht aus primär politischen, sondern wegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen auf einigen Blogs - was angesichts der dreisten Raubkopien, die dort an jeder Ecke verkauft werden, doch erstaunlich ist...)
3 Hürel - Sevenler Ağlarmış (1974)
März 22, 2013
Die Errungenschaften von Chavez' Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts
In drei Graphiken:
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Mordrate |
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BIP-Entwicklung |
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Inflationsrate |
März 09, 2013
Psychedelisches am Samstag (6)
Noch ein trauriger Anlass... diese Woche trafs Alvin Lee.
Ten Years After - Spoonful (live at the Fillmore East, Februar 1970)
Libellés :
ten years after
März 06, 2013
Christoph Hackenberg liest Max Stirner
Schönes Video, entdeckt bei Ars Libertatis:
Auch gefallen auf dem gleichen Blog hat mir das unerwartete Plädoyer für eine traditionalistische katholische Kirche:
Libellés :
max stirner
März 02, 2013
87 Jahre Murray Rothbard
Eine der Spezifitäten des rothbardschen Systems dass er letztlich "naturrechtlich" abgeleitete Eigentumsrechte über freiwillige Vereinbarungen stellt:
"The right of property implies the right to make contracts about that
property: to give it away or to exchange titles of ownership for the
property of another person. Unfortunately, many libertarians, devoted to
the right to make contracts, hold the contract itself to be an absolute, and therefore maintain that any
voluntary contract whatever must be legally enforceable in the free
society. Their error is a failure to realize that the right to contract
is strictly derivable from the right of private property, and therefore
that the only enforceable contracts (i.e., those backed by the
sanction of legal coercion) should be those where the failure of one
party to abide by the contract implies the theft of property
from the other party. In short, a contract should only be enforceable
when the failure to fulfill it is an implicit theft of property. But
this can only be true if we hold that validly enforceable contracts only
exist where title to property has already been transferred,
and therefore where the failure to abide by the contract means that the
other party’s property is retained by the delinquent party, without the
consent of the former (implicit theft). Hence, this proper libertarian
theory of enforceable contracts has been termed the “title-transfer”
theory of contracts. (...)"
(aus The ethics of liberty, Kapitel 19: "Property rights and the theory of contracts")
Woraus Rothbard ableitet, was alles in einer libertären Rechtsordnung verboten - da illegitim - sind, etwa fractional reserve banking, GmbHs oder Bankrottregelungen.
Hierzu schreibt der Panarchist Adam Knott, meines Erachtens zu Recht:
"Rothbard, C, is saying to two people, A and B: Here is what you are
allowed to do between yourselves, and here is what you are not allowed to
do between yourselves. This is my natural law system, that is absolute,
immutable, and of universal validity for all times and places...
Therefore, you, A and B, cannot do such and such between yourselves. You
can only do what my system says.
Rothbard's point might be that then, A and B could do something that would spill over and effect person C. But my point is that this is why C has a government, to protect his (C's) rights. So for the cases of conflicting value systems or overlapping jurisdictions, the governments of A and B, and of C, have to arrive at some solution.
Rothbard is saying: No, the solution is for A and B to belong to the Rothbardian society !
Question: Will this be by force, or by voluntary consent of A and B ?
I think that part of the problem is that the Rothbardian school of libertarianism bases its concept of liberty on property. But others base their concept of liberty on voluntary consent. Thus, the Rothbardian system ends up contradicting voluntary consent, because it arrives at an abstract conception of property that is based on a specific individual's theory, and considers as invalid a priori, any property arrangements at variance with the theory, even if voluntarily chosen by the individuals concerned. It also considers as invalid a priori, alternative or rival theories of property. Implicit in the private property ethicist's theory of property is the implication that the core property theory of the philosopher and his students is more important than voluntary consent, and more important than the property relations accepted by other individuals amongst themselves. The private property ethicist's theory of property does not allow voluntary consent in regard to property, nor does it allow alternative theories of property. The private property ethic is considered by its adherents to be 'absolute, immutable, and of universal validity for all times and places'."
Rothbard's point might be that then, A and B could do something that would spill over and effect person C. But my point is that this is why C has a government, to protect his (C's) rights. So for the cases of conflicting value systems or overlapping jurisdictions, the governments of A and B, and of C, have to arrive at some solution.
Rothbard is saying: No, the solution is for A and B to belong to the Rothbardian society !
Question: Will this be by force, or by voluntary consent of A and B ?
I think that part of the problem is that the Rothbardian school of libertarianism bases its concept of liberty on property. But others base their concept of liberty on voluntary consent. Thus, the Rothbardian system ends up contradicting voluntary consent, because it arrives at an abstract conception of property that is based on a specific individual's theory, and considers as invalid a priori, any property arrangements at variance with the theory, even if voluntarily chosen by the individuals concerned. It also considers as invalid a priori, alternative or rival theories of property. Implicit in the private property ethicist's theory of property is the implication that the core property theory of the philosopher and his students is more important than voluntary consent, and more important than the property relations accepted by other individuals amongst themselves. The private property ethicist's theory of property does not allow voluntary consent in regard to property, nor does it allow alternative theories of property. The private property ethic is considered by its adherents to be 'absolute, immutable, and of universal validity for all times and places'."
(with thanks to the author Adam Knott, and to Christian Butterbach for the text and backchecking with Adam!)
Libellés :
murray rothbard,
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