Oktober 31, 2012

154 Jahre Georges Mathias Paraf-Juval

The political system is absurd
In a country with a parliamentary regime, people determine what acts are ordered, permitted, and forbidden, that is, the LAW, in the following manner:
1° Delegates are nominated (senators, representatives, council-members, etc.) That nomination is the equivalent of a total abdication of individual activity to the hands of politicians.
2° Politicians come together in assemblies to issue their opinions, and establish texts for their vote on such opinions,
3° The outcome of these votes is imposed by force.
This system is absurd.
If there are truly certain rules that people should order, permit, and forbid, it would be interesting to see which of those rules are really just the natural result of simple logic. If they aren't, then politicians are no more qualified than other people to determine them.
How is truth established? How is science established?
Are delegates named to do so? - No. He who comes out with the truth is no one's delegate. Most often he has no diplomas or any special dignity. -Do we vote on scientific matters? - No. Votes prove nothing. Galileo was alone in saying that the earth spun on an axis. Though he was in the minority, he was nonetheless right, and the majority wrong. -Is science imposed by force? -No. It merely says: "Here it is; these are the proofs. You may impose them upon yourselves if you acknowledge that they are just."
From the scientific point of view, people's reason is perfect. No one rises up in revolt against science, not even ignorant people, because the latter know that it's been verified by those who know what they're doing, and that if they figured it out for themselves, that they would be able to verify it for themselves.
From the legal perspective, the people represent perfect unreason. And the absurdly determined law is often inept and vexatious. It is nonetheless the LAW, however, from the moment it has been voted in and promulgated according to the usual absurd rules.
Such is the political system. Totally foreign to reason, it cannot give reasonable results. Politics, an illogical method, cannot serve for the establishment of logical rules of conduct.
Only a madman would want to determine and impose such rules, if any indeed exist, on sensible people other than by a rational method.
(aus The absurdity of politics [1912]; einen Scan der Broschüre findet man hier - eine französische Fassung findet man z.B. hier).

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