August 24, 2011

112 Jahre Jorge Luis Borges

by Jorge Luis Borges
The Jew's hands, translucent in the dusk,
polish the lenses time and again.
The dying afternoon is fear, is
cold, and all afternoons are the same.
The hands and the hyacinth-blue air
that whitens at the Ghetto edges
do not quite exist for this silent
man who conjures up a clear labyrinth—
undisturbed by fame, that reflection
of dreams in the dream of another
mirror, nor by maidens' timid love.
Free of metaphor and myth, he grinds
a stubborn crystal: the infinite
map of the One who is all His stars.
(Englische Übersetzung von Richard Howard, César Rennert)

Mehr über Borges, seine politischen Ansichten und sein Verhältnis zum "liberalen Anarchismus" in diesem lesenswerten Artikel:

2 Kommentare:

Alicia hat gesagt…

Thanks for remembering my favorite writer :-)
He would have turned 112 years today.

nestor hat gesagt…

Be sure to check out the link at the end of the post too :-).